Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Time flies...

I don't think neither Ryan nor I believed that time could go by as fast as it has over this last year. Yesterday we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary (didn't really celebrate, but felt extra loved!) and those 3 years have definitely gone by quicker than other years of our lives. But this past year of being a mommy and daddy??? Where did it go???? We have had so much fun, lost so much sleep, laughed and cried too many times to count...and wouldn't change it for the world! Makena is about to turn 1 and I am going to cry! I didn't think I would ever be like that, but it is crazy to think we will never get those moments with her back. I am glad I decided to quit my full time job and get to cherish more moments with her. She is a babbling, walking, smiling, waving, kissing, silly girl! A perfect mix of her parents and I love her! 

Now, I am freezing time for the next 12 days!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Another road trip!

We took Makena on her second road trip to Michigan this weekend! Here are some highlights from our trip and some things I learned....

1. Peek-a-boo never gets old to an 11 month old
2. The trip would have gone lots faster if my hubby didn't have a bladder the size of a walnut
3. Spending 2 days with mom and sister and 5 hours with my BFF is worth any amount of driving
4. M is a fish and loves to jump off the edge of the pool !
5. If we lived closer to friends, our life would probably be completely different--hubby acted like he never left college the whole trip and that was really hard for me!
6. Hotel cribs may not be super sanitary, but are highly recommended!
7. M likes her feet rubbed and will stay calm in the car for an hour straight if I don't stop
8. Weddings make me tear up a lot!
9. Michigan did not get the memo that it is nearly summer time!
10. Every time we go home we come back with 2x the amount of stuff (aka spoiled child)

It was a short, but much needed trip! Now only one more month until Kena's birthday! It is going to be a BUSY month! Time fills up fast with a house and a baby!

Also, I am 15 posts behind on my "one post a week" challenge! I have got to get moving!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Ok ok I was supposed to pick it up and start blogging more, I know! Life is too busy!! Ryan and I are both working and trying to fix up our new house to make it ready to move into by the end of the month! My poor husband spends all day at work and then heads to the house immediately after because we have so much to do in so little time. We are re-dry walling the entire upstairs and it is taking a little longer than we had planned. Baby's room is almost done! We have to finish painting the ceiling and edges of the walls and put the trim back on. Right now, they are focusing on putting drywall in the master bedroom and the bathroom. We only have 3 weeks so time is tight! I do not get out there as often as I had hoped because it is so hard with the baby, but I am trying to pack up the apartment so Ryan doesn't have to worry about that too much. Either way, by the end of the month we will be in our new house! And hopefully life will slow back down :) hopefully..l

Monday, March 17, 2014

Road Trippin'...

We are on our way back to Virginia from a super short trip to Michigan to celebrate the life of my grampa!

Makena had a great trip...I hope she continues to be such a great traveler because we have places to go! 

It was very nice to see all of the family who came to celebrate this amazing man's life. (I will write more on my grampa soon)

I realized today that I am not doing well at my challenge for a blog post each week this year...so be prepared for a lot of posts in the next few weeks so I can catch up! I have a lot to write about, just no time :)

Only an hour and a half until we are home!

Thursday, January 30, 2014


I may have mentioned...or not..but back in November, I quit my full time job to spend more time with our little princess.

Well, I am still at home with her and loving every moment. I am glad I went back to work for a little bit because at the time I really needed a break. Now, I cannot imagine all the things I would have missed out on. At this age, we still don't do a lot together, but sometimes I just watch her. Haha. I just sit and watch her play and explore and try to imagine what is going on inside her brilliant little mind. I never thought I could be a stay at home mom (SAHM) and sometimes I still get an itch to have a successful career, but for right now, we are enjoying this too much!

I cannot wait until she is a little older and we can go to museums, parks and play groups where she can play with other kids! For right now, I am happy being her bestest friend :) :)

Recently we went to a local Lego play place for a play date with our friend from swimming class! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Home sweet home...

I know, I know..I am already failing at my New Years resolution! This is my second post for January, though, so I am doing better than before already :)

Last week, Makena and I spent time in Michigan with our family. It's always nice to go home, but when you have a baby it is even nicer to get to go home. I love sharing Makena with my friends in Virginia and they love her very much. But nothing is like a gramma or grampa's love. Makena got to meet my dad for the first time--I am not sure who was more smitten :). She got endless snuggles from my mom and also got to hang out with Ryan's mom more than ever before. Then...there are the great grandparents! I think it is safe to say Makena stole the hearts of everyone in our family and that makes me so happy and proud. She is such a happy baby and at the perfect stage for lots of laughs. I just love it! 
Although I have very, very few friends left at home, it is still nice to spend time in a place that has so many memories and be able to share those fun times with my baby!

Now, we are back to our normal "routine" which isn't anything crazy, but it sure is nice to want to come back to a "new" place. We are so comfortable in Virginia. It is great to go "home" and be with family, but it also feels amazing to return home to our apartment and our life.

Now if only I could get all my loved ones to move in next door...

Makena checking out the snow at gramma's!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I cannot believe it is 2014. In fact, every time I have written the date so far, I have to actually think about whether or not that is the year we are in. It does not seem possible! This year we will be celebrating our 25th birthdays, our daughter's first birthday, 12 years together, 3 years married, 7 years graduated from high school and so many more milestones. 

So--I made a plan to blog once a week (at least) this whole year. By the end, I want to have at least 52 posts. I am already a week late, but that's why I have the overall goal of 52 as well as the weekly goal :)

If you are reading my blog for the first time--thanks for checking it out. I mostly post about our life, but this year I will post other interesting (to me, anyways) tidbits too!

Ryan and I got to go out for a bit on NYE (thanks to our friend, Lisa!). We got onion rings with our meal and they came garnished for the new year :). It will be a great year!